We partnered with Derrick Pover of P3 Creative to come up with an identity and brand package for a new venture for the Alshaya Group in the Middle East. Keith had known Derrick from earlier exploits together as they’d both had stints at Imagination and Revolution. He specialises in retail interiors so a new retail chain selling make-up and perfume was the chance for us to work together again.
Working within religious sensitivities (don’t show flesh!) and keeping it modern were particular challenges.
We had a stroke of luck when looking for a name. Renault had run a campaign under the banner ‘VaVaVoom’ but hadn’t licenced it in the UAE. We knew the client liked it so we got in quick!
Our concept – which has been ‘echoed’ many time since – was to bleach out the models’ features and just leave the areas where make-up is applied.