HS2 ‘Discover Euston’ hoardings and wayfinding
We’ve been working with MaceDragados Joint Venture (MDJV) since November 2020 on Phase 2 of the new station redevelopment. The project has involved digging down for the foundations for the new Euston Station extension for the HS2 service. To protect the public from the works – and to help them navigate around and between the sites – we’ve produced the hoarding graphics and designed the wayfinding system for somewhere close to 3km so far.
We’ve also worked with MDJV on other spin-off projects including a Team Euston brand, the interior signing of the site offices and welfare blocks, branding the induction room, installation guides for the planning application packs and a Net Zero Carbon Strategy comms pack.
A nice addition was the installation of two 5m external lightboxes to create an archway between Euston and Drummond Street – to help with the ‘sense of place’ into and through the site.